Saturday 8 February 2014

Sunday 2 February 2014

Week 4 :More Recursion

This week's lecture was going more in depth into recursion.  Recursive functions describe a class of objects or methods that have  recursive behaviour when they can be defined by two properties: a simple base case or cases, and have a set of rules that reduce all other cases toward the base case. In theory this technique would simplify our lives, and reduce the room for error for future functions. I have yet to master writing recursive functions but in time I will.  There's about two weeks until the midterm, and honestly I have no clue what I'm doing. This whole idea about a function which calls on itself, and how everything is in a loop is driving me crazy. I can barely keep track of a while loop. Computer science is no longer enjoyable, and the weather is making it hard for me to have the energy to attend morning lectures. Good luck to my fellow classmates in the morning.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Week 3: Object-Oriented Programming

An object, in the computer science world,  is something seems as  an arbitrary collection of instance variables or member function(s). Now, object-oriented programming is taking “real life problems” and converting its verbs into functions and its nouns into objects.  By doing this it lessens the gap between the developer and the user because now it's talking about things the user is familiar with. Object-oriented programming is also great for its ease of maintenance and evolution. This was the topic of the week, and personally this is the hardest concept to grasp so far. As a result of my inability to comprehend said topic, this week's lab was very frustrating. I was very fortunate to have a lab partner who was able to fill in where I was lacking. Together we managed to complete the tasks in time. I realize I have a lot of catching up to do. I plan on attending office hours and asking for help to keep myself on track to understanding materials in the future.


In this blog I will document my progress in CSC148. I plan to make weekly entries about my progress in the course as well as milestones and other difficulties I come across. Feel free to give me feedback and advice.